Teresa Miller, President

Treats Unleashed


Teresa Miller, President

Teresa began her career in the banking industry and then moved to a tech startup in New York City. In 2002, she started her current company, Treats Unleashed. Since then, it has grown organically to 19 stores between St. Louis and Kansas City with more on the way. In addition to building a business, Teresa has served her local community as a volunteer with the Bi-State Pet Food Pantry, helping to champion their mission of providing pet food to pet owners in need.

In addition to her pet-related volunteer work, Teresa has been active in promoting women-led companies and Mastermind programming for early-stage women entrepreneurs.

On the national level, Teresa works with the National Retail Federation as an advocate for retail business, specifically small businesses. Most recently, she worked with NRF to champion the Credit Card Competition Act that was introduced by Senator Roger Marshall and Senator Dick Durban on July 27, 2022, to increase competition in the market with the goal of reducing swipe fees.