Creating Five-Star Pet Parent Experiences with Technology

Let’s face it – personalized communication is key to your business's success. 

Customers want more personalized shopping experiences and communication than ever in our on-demand world.

More than 80% of customers are more likely to do business with a company if it offers personalized experiences. Additionally, 89% of companies that lead with customer experience perform better financially than their peers. For pet companies, that personalization of customer experience is no longer “nice to have.” Personalized experiences are now a must for success.

But, how exactly can pet stores and pet companies personalize experiences for pet parents? 

With after-sale experiences that focus on pet parents as new owners.

The online market is crowded and customers can easily be overwhelmed by the onslaught of pet information. For example, a recent Google search for “dog food” turned up about 4,510,000,000 results in 1.44 seconds. For customers, this instant access to information is useful, but for pet companies, the ease of online shopping creates a disconnect between your brand and the customer. Personalization creates that crucial connection.

Let’s take dog food, for example. As a business owner you could send recommended dog foods for a pet parent’s specific breed of dog, suggested frequency of feeding times, and even regularly send reminders to buy a favorite brand of dog food monthly or bi-monthly. This kind of attention to a customer’s unique preferences and pet sows the seeds for a positive, long-term relationship – and keeps the customer visiting your store, shop, or website.

With the personalization of individual experiences, pet business owners can create unique, personalized pet owners' journeys to meet pet parents exactly where they are, exactly when they need it.

Creating Personalized Customer Connections

Another key way pet companies can connect with customers and form lifelong relationships with pet parents is by engaging with customers from day one. 

We all know the importance of first impressions. In order to create immediate value for pet parents, pet business owners and operators should focus on creating incredible first impressions. 

For example: by sending personalized messages as soon as a pet parent walks through the door with their furry friend, pet businesses have the opportunity to create an immediate impression with their consumer. 

Long-term relationships are always within reach when you focus on engagement and customer experiences. Blustream uses unique pet-specific data, like the length of ownership, location, size, breed, personality type, and more, to ensure pet companies can engage and remain engaged with new pet parents from day one, all the way through a pet’s life. 

By understanding the specific qualities and characteristics of a customer’s pet, pet businesses can sell and recommend the products new pet parents actually need. This kind of useful, relevant shopping experience and after-sale engagement makes customers feel great. It fosters long-term relationships that pet business owners need to succeed in today’s crowded marketplace. 

Personalizing Experiences for Pet Companies

By focusing on the owners' journey, pet companies can educate and connect with customers at every stage of owning a pet – from taking care of a new puppy to grooming, and everything in between.

Take a pet business owner. Many of these business owners know that customers have questions about how to switch their dog to a new diet. By leveraging personalized experiences, this business owner can prepare customers for the journey using SMS messaging and QR codes.

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Immediately after scanning the QR code, customers can instantly receive a warm welcome message. These messages can be educational and informative while providing relevant information to pet owners. Plus, every time business owners send these messages, they can start to better understand their customers and provide the best, most personalized experiences and recommendations. 

By crafting a journey of education and helpful product recommendations and tips, business owners can engage their customers and build lifelong relationships. Even better? Pet businesses can double their revenue by sending purchase recommendations to customers at exactly the right time. 

The bottom line is that personalized experiences with customers is key to succeeding as a modern pet business. It’s truly a win-win. 


Blustream is an after-sale Product Experience Platform that empowers companies to help owners be more successful with the products they love. With Blustream, brands engage their customers with contextualized, data-driven touchpoint messages including tips, alerts, and purchase recommendations, sent at exactly the right time. Today, CEOs, CMOs, and Product Executives use Blustream to create a direct channel with their customers to drive revenue, retention, and referrals. Stay connected to your customers. Take advantage of Blustream’s complimentary 12-month starter package for IndiePet Members by scheduling a call with us today.


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