
Focus on “Better For” Pet Items
The importance of maintaining personal health has most definitely translated to the pet space, and owners are looking for brands to provide quality products with transparent claims and clean ingredients. Have you considered what wellness means to your shoppers?

Find unique pet products to make your assortment a differentiator
It’s not always easy for independent retailers to find their niche in the community. Many aren’t sure how to begin to figure this out. A place to start is to review your product assortment.

IndiePet’s first IndieChat – What our Retail Members are Saying.
IndiePet, the only trade association representing independent and neighborhood pet retailers, held its first IndieChat on Wednesday, July 27th. IndieChat is a secured, facilitated discussion via video conferencing for IndiePet retail members who want to hear from experts on current “hot” topics and issues then share and discuss their own experiences and practices on these topics. Our next IndieChat is scheduled for November 2. Registration information will be posted soon.
Dog Metabolism: What You Need To Know
The composition of dog food on the market today varies greatly and, while there are many options out there, it can be difficult to determine what to feed your dog when it comes to dog nutrition.

Online Branding Basics: How to Make Your Business Successful Online with 6 Easy Steps
Utilizing social media is a great way to connect with both old and new consumers. These platforms have built-in tools to help your business grow, but where should you start? Here are six quick tips to help you kickstart or improve your online branding.
Successful Social Media for the Pet Industry
Social media has become a critical tool for modern day business success. If used correctly, social media has the ability to grow a retailer’s current reach exponentially with the amount of users who could become potential customers by influencing their purchasing decisions.

Gut Health Re-Imagined
Innovation in pet food is ever-changing, with sustainable practices, transparency and traceability of ingredients, and new protein sources. However, gut health is now on the rise more than ever.

Insights from Pet Industry Leadership Summit
Our Executive Director recaps insights gained from the Pet Industry Leadership Summit
This Inexpensive Service Could Help Retailers Boost Sales
An independent pet retailer explains why adding services to a brick-and-mortar store in order to boost foot traffic doesn't need to be a costly undertaking.

Unveiling IndiePet’s G.A.M.E. O.N. Strategic Plan
The future is bright for independent pet retail. Economists predict the pet industry will grow between 7% and 13% (depending on which analyst you listen to) over the next 5 to 10 years. And if that isn’t exciting enough, IndiePet, the association representing the independent and neighborhood retail pet channel, is ready to share its strategic plan designed to support members, pet owners, pets, and all who serve them.

CBD and Your Pup: What To Know And What To Ask Of Your CBD Brand
Using CBD for its health benefits is one of the most energized wellness trends happening today.

Managing Your Schedule
Are you… Busy?? Overworked? Feeling stressed? Not being able to ENJOY your personal time because you are too busy? Having too much work can be just as frustrating and scary as not having ENOUGH work.

5 Reasons A Good Online Presence Helps You Win (pssst… even vs. The Big Dogs)
IndiePet, the association representing the independent and neighborhood pet retail industry, asked founding sponsor member eTailPet to provide insights to why ecommerce is important to all retail stores. Here are five reasons.

Recognizing IndiePet Founding Sponsors
On behalf of the IndiePet Board and staff, we want to thank our founding sponsors for investing in the future of independent and neighborhood retailers.
How IndiePet is Serving the Independent Retail Community
IndiePet unveiled its plan to provide immediate value to the independent retail community at this year’s SuperZoo conference held in Las Vegas in August. By partnering with industry leaders like the World Pet Association, SPINS, the Pet Sustainability Coalition, and many pet product manufacturers and distributors, IndiePet was able to create a digital toolbox designed to provide valuable data and insights that help our members to compete with online and big box retail.